Thursday, July 14, 2011

Potter-Thon: Day 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

This particular installment is one part of a project that is being treated as one movie, and apparently, this part is a bit different from its successor, because “Part 2” is more action oriented, while this movie speeds through some truly nailbiting action sequences in the first hour, before it becomes more of a slow-moving (but still suspenseful) adolescent drama for most of the remaining hour and a half, though another truly suspenseful climactic (and rather violent) battle closes out the movie, followed by another truly gripping cliffhanger for “Part 2” (yes, yes, I know it's frustrating if you haven't read the books, but it was better than leaving us off at Malfoy Manner, and, in any case, it had to end somewhere). The “adolescent drama” part, however, does produce one of the best additions to the story that the movies have done so far… having Harry and Hermione dance to Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds’ “O Children” on the radio (which, for those of you who wanna know, is powered by magic rather than electricity or radar waves). By creating that scene (an addition that even J.K. Rowling loved), the writer basically showed everyone in the audience who Harry and Hermione are and aren't in about four minutes. Some people have said that the dancing was intentionally lame for the actors’ experience, but, come on, you've gotta have a little fun even if you're in such a bad fix as Harry and Hermione. Rupert Grint especially gets to show some complexity as for the jealousy he has for Harry. There are, of course, quite a few truly great moments of physical humor, also. I shall be posting a lyrics video for “O Children” soon.

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